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A team of professional writing students have been given the opportunity to help The Bulldog Bar and Lounge bring in younger customers. After over 100 hours of combined research, finding the best resources through the exclusive IUPUI library, and making conclusions based on a local survey, we present our own recommendation report on what we think will work best on this website.


Within our W231 Professional Business Writing class at IUPUI, 25 students were given the task to represent a local business to help them with a challenge of business' choice. The Bulldog Bar and Lounge was selected as a finalist, leading to a group of 5 students faced with the challenge of bringing in younger customers. For the last two months, each member has been researching long and hard to find the best resources online in order to build a recommendation report for the owner of The Bulldog.

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This report aims to show different ways The Bulldog Bar and Lounge can help increase younger customers' clientele to help better profit the business with younger customers. For the start of this project, we met with Brian Knoderer, who is the owner of The Bulldog Bar and Lounge, on September 27th, 2023. In the meeting, Brain had talked about wanting to task us with finding unique ways of bringing more IUPUI and Butler students to The Bulldog Bar and Lounge and how to better attract more to students the restaurant. With this, we discussed local surveys being used, posters being made for both campuses, social media use, and discounts for students. 



For our research we used many databases and reliable sources of collecting information to find ways to profit more to college students. We used Google Scholar, ProQuest, and EBSCO which are exclusive to IUPUI students, offering us premium access to data on topics pertaining to the optimization of a sports bar environment. Many of these we had found were to help in relation to research to bar and restaurant growth and the marketing to customers. Some of the search terms we used for our research were:


Search Terms:

  • “Student discounts”

  • “Alcohol” and “Advertising”

  • “Student discounts” and “Restaurants”

  • “Studies” and “Effective advertising”

  • “College students” and “Sports Bars”


Local Study

In our local study we had used Google Forms to find what social media sources college students prefer, and their opinions about a bar near Butler and IUPUI campus using a student discount to encourage college students to come to The Bulldog Bar and Lounge. The survey was linked through The Bulldog Bar and Lounge poster the team had made which resulted in 30 respondents. 


The questions on the form were split with some fill-in-the-blank and others being multiple choice. We found this to be the best format for gathering information so that not only would we receive the answers of our respondents but also explanations explaining why they had answered the questionnaire. We had chosen Google Forms because it was an easy source to use, free, and helped build graphs for the majority of the questions. 


After seeing the results of our survey, we could conclude what social media source college students prefer and the best discount deal to recommend The Bulldog Bar and Lounge. The data gave us a better understanding as to what research we should recommend to the client and what information would be helpful to share with him for the benefit and growth of The Bulldog.

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